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New Procedure for Submitting Pre-Trial Briefs in Toronto

The Notice to the Profession for Toronto was amended effective October 18, 2021 to indicate that pre-trial conference briefs should only be uploaded to CaseLines, not e-mailed to the trial coordinator’s office or submitted through the court’s online portal.

Specifically, paragraph C.3.9 of the Notice states:

Briefs, draft reports, and any other documents pursuant to paragraph C.3.5 above shall be uploaded into CaseLines (into the pre-trial event folder). It is no longer necessary to send these documents by email to the trial coordinator’s office. These documents should not be filed through the Civil Submissions Online Portal.

Paragraph C.3.5 indicates:

When an action is scheduled for a pre-trial conference, the parties shall serve and file briefs that contain a concise summary of the position of the party and the evidence that will be relied on at trial at least five (5) days before the scheduled date. The parties will also deliver their draft Rule 50.08 reports and, for actions governed by Rule 76, all other documents required by subrule 76.10(4).